Christmas Blessings

Christmas Blessings

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Time is an interesting thing. The end of this month will mark 1 1/2 years since our adoption of Makena. On one hand it hardly seems that long and on the other hand it's like "Are you sure it hasn't been longer than that?" Over the past six months Makena has graduated preschool and has made some sweet friendships. She has certainly learned the fun of birthday parties and has every song of Frozen memorized! She still however continues to think that her big brother has all the great ideas and would  love to be his identical twin if she could. Cameron goes between using this to his advantage and letting it drive him crazy;) Sibling Love -nothing like it๐Ÿ˜œ
The decision to leave work and focus more on my family has been blessing over the past six months. I have enjoyed being able to be involved at Cameron's school and work on growing my relationship with Makena.  Us girl's tend to butt heads a good bit and it has been a struggle to be a parent to two children that require very different styles of parenting at times. We just take it day by day and thank God for the small victories each day.
Summer has been wonderful so far. I have really enjoyed my kiddos. Since I have always worked full time this is the first summer that Cameron has not had to be in childcare. He didn't know what to think about having so much time off. As I type we are heading back from New York City! What a busy but fun time we had!!!  I have really learned how to relax and enjoy my treasures (family). Kids grow up way to fast!!!
Makena will be starting kindergarten next month and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I have no idea what it will bring and am just doing my best to prepare her and put the rest in God's hands.
Many people have asked us if we will adopt again. The thought crosses my mind at times  but for now our next adoption will be a puppy( if my boys can talk me into it)!

I continue to keep up with a lot of the children that were adopted with Makena through Facebook. One of the little fellows, Everett will be having heart surgery soon . Please keep him and his family in your prayers.